Teenagers Story
Bonjour Fellas!

ALOHA, Earthlings! Welcome to my blog! this is the simple skin... so, be nice here.

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Template made by : MohaAre-Qil
Image support by : WeHeartit
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Sekolah Nak Bukak

sorry x update..
aq tgh sedih ih..
sume kecoh pasal sekolah..
aq skolah mne un x taw agy..
sedih taw...
tpi aq taw ih sume salah aq gak.. 
nk wat cane time jelah..
aq harap2 sangat  agar rayuan aq diterima..
aq x sanggup kalo aq x skolah uh dah..
yelah bkan senang nk dpt skolah uh..
lagipun banyak kenangan aq kat sane..
PAHIT ade MANIS un ade..
besa ar lumrah hidup manusia...
x taw nk tulih pe..

pen off...

0 Blacky Whitie!